Sunday, July 24, 2011

9 Weeks and Counting

My daughter suggested I start a blog.  She thought it would help me to write what I'm feeling about moving across the country.  I wish I could say it's been fantastic, that I've enjoyed each day since I arrived.  But honestly I have been feeling like a woman on an Island alone.  I like to think I'm a spiritual person, so I believe that the ups and downs in life make all of us better people.  Unfortunately, I am a big baby and hate it when my world is turned upside down.  What prompted me today to actually start this blog was "Visiting a Church."

My husband is a good man, but doing cold calls isn't his speciality.  So today he said I could be the scout and check out this church.  I'm really not afraid to talk to anyone, however I do hate walking in by myself. While I was doing it I kept thinking how much he owed me.  So like a good soldier, one desperate for human contact, I ventured in.  It was a lovely place, decorated nicely, and very modern.  I slowly looked over the sitting and took my place in the back hoping desprately that someone would notice me.

I guess you could call me a friend addict.  I just loved my friends and having left them 2000 miles away has been difficult.  So my deepest desire and earnest prayer has been, please let me meet someone I can connect with.  Someone to have coffee with.  Somone who could connect me with others.  Now, understand I have a someone who I walk with once a week.  But she's very busy with her family and I'm grateful for the time she has given me.  But it would be great to be able to take an exercise class with someone, attend a bible study, or get a phone call with an invite to go shopping

But today wasn't the day for me to meet that kindred spirit.  As I sat in my seat feeling completely invisible wanting to cry.  I had to make a decision, I could travel down the path of despair that ends up at pity party cafe.  Or I could say that tomorrow is another day and it could be the day when I meet my new Colorado friend.  I know that in time, the right time I will meet that special person that God has picked out for me.  I just have to let Him do it.

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