Friday, August 12, 2011

Acceptance Brings Peace

Hey it's Friday and I realized I've been at peace for several days.  For the last 10 weeks I've struggled with that feeling.  Wondering if I would sense it again.  Being my age I knew eventually I would adjust to my new situation, but for a time I wandered down the path of grief which we all go down.  What's neat about that path is it leads to a beautiful flowered covered walkway, I like to call it acceptance.  I think you can step on that path whenever you want, but it's always our decision.   I'm not sure when it happened or why, but I'm glad I found it.  First I had to walk down that dark path called anger and then a brief trek up the hill of depression.

When you step on the path of peace your surroundings may not change.  The situations you encounter are usually still the same.  I'm still living in a new place with few relationships.  I still get lost.  There is no Dunkin Donuts here (coffee....) boy do I miss it.  I'm 2,000 miles away from my family.  So what happened?  I'm guessing it's trust.  Trusting that all things work together for good.  Believing that a hire power does have a plan.  Knowing that if I'm still and wait what needs to happen will.  For me, it's settling into my situation.

So I hope that whatever path you may be on today, whether it's loneliness, fear, anger, or sadness that soon you'll see the flowers and feel the peace.  I know it's right around the corner.


  1. Loved reading this. Thanks for sharing your feelings here. Gives me more things to pray about & for you :)

  2. Awww...the garden of acceptance! I too, have arrived, most days. Thanks for sharing Robin.
